
This is my journey. I want to share this incredible roller coaster ride of hopes, dreams, signs, emotional crashes, and excitement.
this is the space where i work out what is going on in my head. i hope that you can see yourself in my posts and that you will gain something from following my story.

Monday 12 May 2014


“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” 

this weekend marked the culminating performance of many months of preparation. i love the preparation and i usually am bored during the performance. i have been performing on stage since i was 3 years old ... but there was something different this time. something alive in me. 

“Find your authentic voice, become vulnerable, and then put yourself out there.” ― Meredith Brooks

i have written before about putting yourself out there. about being vulnerable. i have been working hard on being vulnerable these last few months. and i think that had something to do with the difference in the feeling of performing. it's like ... i let go and let myself have fun on the stage. 

“I know something about performing. I know that when it seems like the avalanche is about to roll over you, you face into it and keep both arms swimming as hard as you can. You smile and you sell it.” ― Jillian Lauren

smiling and selling it are what i was trained to do at the school of the arts. but this time, the smile was genuine. i think it had to do with the feedback i was receiving from the smiles of the audience. 

“When you step from the wings onto the stage you go from total blackness to a blinding hot glare. After a moment you adjust, but there is that moment. like being inside lightning.”
― Meg Howrey

there is this moment when you step onto the stage and you see the audience before you. this moment of anticipation. i think it's even better than the actual performing. it's this moment where they don't know what's coming and for a moment, neither do you. you forget who you are, and what you are about to do. for a moment it is just you and the audience and the lights and the world disappears. 

“To perform you need practice, to practice you need passion.” ― Amit Kalantri

my passions are singing and writing. the 2 things that are like breath for me. and standing on stage this weekend, especially for my solo, was a way to share my passion with an appreciative audience.

i hope that you are able to find your passion and act upon it. i hope that you do one thing each day that makes your heart sing. 

be kind to yourself,  

“An applause is not just the recognition of good performance, but its proof of being different than the crowd.” ― Amit Kalantri

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