
This is my journey. I want to share this incredible roller coaster ride of hopes, dreams, signs, emotional crashes, and excitement.
this is the space where i work out what is going on in my head. i hope that you can see yourself in my posts and that you will gain something from following my story.

Monday 28 April 2014


finding ways to decompress is so important for our mental health. 

Allow yourself time to decompress and process what has happened. - Lynn Lawrance

sometimes it takes time to process things that have happened, or things that have been said. sometimes that means sitting by yourself and writing, like i do. other times it means tuning out and not thinking while the ideas percolate in your mind. 

They want to just decompress a little bit and enjoy a good time together. Listen to some great music, have a drink and maybe a little bit of denial. Maybe exit the real world for a little while and enter fantasy land. - Richard Feldman

there are times when you need to decompress from your day, or from a visit from family, and spending time with your friends. this kind of decompression means finding a way to take yourself out of your life for a moment or two. by watching a movie, reading a book, listening to music, or dancing the night away with good friends. 

“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.” ― Jane Austen

i like to decompress at home. i like to take time for myself and write, or read, or even watch tv. i love my couch time. i love the time that i take to relax on my couch with a cup of tea - to feel the comfort of being in my own home. 

“There are times when we stop, we sit still. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.” ― James Carroll

another way to decompress is to be in nature. to go for a walk through the woods, or by water. to take the time to notice the little things like the buds on the trees in spring, the birds singing, the squirrels chasing. being still through meditation or just sitting with yourself is another way for breezes from another world to whisper to you. some people believe that the voice that whispers is a higher power. others believe that the voice is yours. whatever your belief system, being still and listening inside is a way to be with yourself and to decompress. 

“All relaxation does is allow the truth to be felt. The mind is cleared, like a dirty window wiped clean, and the magnitude of what we might ordinarily take for granted inspires tears.” ― Jay Michaelson

there are times when we need to debrief what has happened. this is another way to get it out of you in order to decompress. this can be through talking it out with a friend, or through writing it down. feeling our truth is bigger than speaking it. there are times when our truth is larger than us and feels crushing. but your truth is your most important tool in self-love and in happiness. 

there are many instances where i need to decompress. coming home from work, i am exhausted. sometimes that means taking a nap. other times it means writing. coming home from a family event means tuning out the world and my thoughts and entering a fantasy world through reading or watching tv. after therapy, i need time to myself, to write, to think, to process, to debrief. and after a medical appointment, i need to listen to music or to a podcast, to let the emotions calm down before i think about what the doctor has said. 

how do you decompress? what do you need decompression from? share your ideas in the comments section. and if you get this blog emailed to you, please consider visiting the website and feeding the fish. it is very calming. and then you can leave me a comment. 


be kind to yourself, and remember ... 

“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” ― Pema Chödrön



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