
This is my journey. I want to share this incredible roller coaster ride of hopes, dreams, signs, emotional crashes, and excitement.
this is the space where i work out what is going on in my head. i hope that you can see yourself in my posts and that you will gain something from following my story.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Your life under a microscope

lately i have been obsessed with butterflies. this means that i notice them wherever i go. it also means that people point out butterflies to me when they see them. (See these previous posts re: butterflies: click here, click here, click hereclick here)

today, SC sent me these photos of butterfly wings seen under a microscope. they are really cool. so i decided to share them here with my readers. aren't they gorgeous? i love science! 

the photos made me think about how my life has been under a microscope lately. visiting with various doctors and specialists, my regular therapy appointments, debriefing all these appointments with my friends, and even writing this blog ... 

... each part of my life is being questioned, discussed, examined. 

i spend a great deal of time in my head, thinking about every little thing that has happened to me. looking at the tiny details. exploring what those details mean. while it is important, and enlightening ...

... it can feel very exposing to have your life under a microscope. each doctor wants to know the details. each doctor asks hard questions. questions that, through therapy, i have answers for, but don't know if i want to share these answers with a stranger. and other answers, i don't have yet and maybe never will. 

each day i am faced with another memory from my life. another mean thing that was said to me. another mean thing that was done to me. another way that i was hurt, and wounded. another scar that i thought had healed. each day i examine my life under a microscope. 

it's time to see the big picture ... to step back from examining every detail of your life. 

my life is actually pretty awesome. i have a great job that i love. i have a fabulous partner, SC,  who loves me as deeply as i love her. i have an incredible group of friends who are actually there for me, in ways that i have never experienced before. i have people who care about me, and worry about me, and want me to be well and successful and happy. i have nosy nora in my corner, having my back. i have all those people loving me. i have a house to live in, food to eat, and i am relatively healthy. 

depression and anxiety makes life feel challening. childhood events, memories, trauma ... they make life difficult as well. and those experiences are real, and hard. and at the same time, there are many things in my life right now that are wonderful.

find ways to "get out of your head" as AG likes to tell me. nosy nora says watch a funny show like "modern family." or, you could read a book, go for a walk, play games with friends, go for a coffee date, write, sing, play, talk, nap, and give yourself a break from the hard stuff. take time to enjoy the NOW stuff. 

be kind to yourself,

ps ... tee hee hee ... a funny for your day ...



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