
This is my journey. I want to share this incredible roller coaster ride of hopes, dreams, signs, emotional crashes, and excitement.
this is the space where i work out what is going on in my head. i hope that you can see yourself in my posts and that you will gain something from following my story.

Thursday 12 June 2014


things that went through my mind on my 2 hour hike today ...

what a beautiful day

look, a purple butterfly

my feet hurt

this hill is steep

like, really steep

look, a porcupine

i wonder if porcupines can cuddle with each other?

i like to cuddle. what would life be like without cuddles? i think it would suck. cuddles are an important part of my every day. i wish i were cuddling now, instead of waking uphill. 

my feet hurt. 

if i had no feet, i couldn't walk. if i couldn't walk, i couldn't do this hike. if i couldn't do this hike i would be relaxing on the couch ... but i have feet and they hurt.

oh look, another purple butterfly! they are pretty. i love butterflies. mosquitoes are like butterflies, but they bite and make you itchy. so they aren't really like butterflies at all. but they are all insects. but we only like pretty insects. it's kind of like how pretty people get their way more. 

my feet hurt. and my legs hurt too. this hill is so steep. and it's so hot. i'm so sweaty. wait, what? i have to cross the creek by balancing on that thin log? are you kidding me? now i have wet feet that hurt. and muddy too. and there are more mosquitoes. 

i'm never going to make it. i'm too tired, and too big, and too out of shape, and too fat, and too ... oh, look, flat ground! i can do this. this is easy. it's a beautiful day. more butterflies. the mosquitoes are finally gone. i love hiking. let's do it again tomorrow. 

be kind to yourself, 



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